Exercises for Programmers, book review


Published on: 15.06.2018

Number of pages: 118
Written by: Brian P. Hogan
Publish by: The Pragmatic Bookshelf

Book has good (real life) exercises that can be applied to learn a programing language.

This book will not teach you programming but have 57 exercises that you can do in any language.

Each exercise has few additional challenges, so there is enough material for practice.

The only way to learn new programming langue(or your fist) is to make something concrete and this book can provide that.

Flowcharts are also shown in the book, I think that is cool.
Today flowcharts are mostly forgotten but are useful to know.

If you are not experienced programme (I do have 15+ years of development) my suggestion is to first solve an exercise by any means necessary and after you can do it with constraints and lastly also challenges from the book.

If some exercise is too hard (you have spent few hours and still no progress) just go to next one.
You will have more motivation to learn if it is fun and not dreadful.
After you finish some other exercises and get more experience, you can come back to old ones.

The best part about exercises in this book is that they are pretty close to real life programming, so you are not wasting your time (like on Codility) solving some problems that you will never encounter in real life software development.

My solutions can be found at https://github.com/sasa-buklijas/57-challenges-to-develop-your-coding-skills/.

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