Tag: network

Subnetting, book review


Published on: 15.07.2018

Number of pages: 52
Written by: Todd Lammle
Publish by: Sybex

This book will teach you how to do subnetting of the IPv4 network.

It is easy to read because the book is only 52 pages, what is more than enough to explain subnetting of the IPv4 network.

Has a lot of examples so it is easy to follow.

The first chapter is subnetting basics, and then there are 3 chapters for A, B and C class.

Ethernet Switches, book review


Published on: 01.06.2017

Number of pages: 80
Written by: Charles E. Spurgeon and Joann Zimmerman
Publish by: O’Reilly Media

Useful to read.

This is small book and I like small books.

Although it is small there is no shortage of information in book.

Book explains: what is Ethernet switch, for what is used, how it is working, VLAN (virtual LAN), STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), network design, different special purpose switches (like: multi-layer, access, industrial, wireless access point switch, ISP switch, data center switch) and advanced switch features (PoE, traffic flow monitoring).

Good read for getting advanced understanding of Ethernet switches.