How to find all emails on the web page ?

Published on: 15.03.2018


Use get_emails() from webscraping Python package.

Python strength

The best thing about Python is huge numbers of 3rd party packages.

With a lot of them, you can solve your problems with just a few lines of code.

Let’s say that you want to find all emails in some HTML document, either for an offline or online web page.

This can be done with webscraping package.

First, install it with:

Code for finding all emails on the single page is:

Line 1 is importing download and alg from webscraping package that you have just installed.

Line 3 is creating download.Download() object and calling it D.

Line 4 is saving the web page from where you want to find all emails in html variable.

Line 6 is finding all emails from your html variable and saving all emails in emails Python list.

Line 8 is showing all emails that have been found on the screen.

This will work for a single web page.

How to find emails on the whole site

If you want to search the whole website for emails, not just one page, you can use following code.

With max_depth, max_urls, max_emails parameters you can define how long your searching should be.

Happy spamming.

P.S. just joking 🙂


  1. Hi. First of all Thank you?

    My question is, how can i use/rotade proxies while processing? and how can i save those harvested mails in a txt or excel?

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